Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Where 2 Wear:Work

Where 2 Wear:Work

I wanted to start a new segment on the blog called Where 2Wear. I came up with this becuase one of my best buddies from poorlittlebrowngirl was talking to me on the phone,ya know girl talk....and she was asking if I knew of any places where she could get stuff she could wear to work for her body type. Now yall know I had some suggestions, I immediately told her to check out K-Mart LYS line. The big plus about K-Mart is she would be able to try on clothes right then and take them with her for work. Online stores are great but she needs clothes now, so this is the first place I told her to check out, great clothes and good prices. It did get me thinking though, about the various places we go and the tedious task of coming up with looks for places can just be daunting for people who do not have have a great eye for fashion or for those who are just clueless. So Where 2 Wear popped in my head and heres the first installment. My goal is to provide looks for the things that come up in all of our lives randomly and we need to look our best.

 If you are looking to freshen things up at work this look can be dressed up or down. You can never go wrong with a pencil skirt, its so classic and sexy and fits all women well. Do not drop your pen unless you want all eyes on you(with that skirt on it will be lol). Wedges can be subbed for heels for workplace comfort, and the patent leather wedges spice it up a bit for a great transition for after work drinks. If you do not own a blazer, the time has come for you to get this closet staple, run to your nearest goodwill and pick up one at a low price,no girl can be styling without one in her possession to wear at will, they are great to throw over dresses,jeans and other things. If you have similar pieces in your closet you can achieve the same look without buying anything new, which is even better. We have to stay fresh at work, everyone loves a compliment and when you are styling they will be flying your way.

Stay Smiling

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